วันจันทร์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Short Animation: The Last Martian

The Last Martian was created for my final degree project whilst studying Animation at the Silpakorn University International College Multimedia design program: Bangkok Thailand.

time limit was 4 months

this is such a little time for my project so I must really organize my time well.

first month I must finish research and come up with the project including storyline,aspect ratio, concept work, character design, and storyboard.

second month, I must finish model, texture, environment, and rig everything prepare for animate.

1 month for animation process. It was a very hard time for me because this is the first time I animate every thing start from scratch. By the end of the month I barely finish the animation.

there was one month left I had to finish lighting, rendering, and compositing. everything just finish by the morning of the dead line. It was very tough to do all the process by myself. I'm glad that every thing turn out fine :D


basically this animation is about the very last two Martians on Mar and it's going explode any minute. And this two martian must fight for the last energy source to escape. while they are fighting, the Destroyer (Big guy who destroy the planet) approach and crash the with a single hit. This hit remind them the childhood memory of the martians that they were very close friends.Two martians decided to team up in order to defeat the destroyer. The Destroyer is dying by the martians were about to use the energy source, the Destroyer use his very last power and shoot his hand to the martians. One of the sacrificed him self for the sake of friendship and help other to survive. then the planet exploded......End

Thank you

Thana Nabadalung

